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What it feels like as a First Responder During the Coronavirus pandemic

Writer's picture: Andrea Binley MurrayAndrea Binley Murray

I think we can all agree life is different right now. I mean it just feels different right? At least to me it feels different, its like the emotions fill the air and the energy is almost palpable. It’s like there is a pulse beating from the homes, families, communities and even across the world. There are some moments that just feel heavy and weighted.

Like when I think of all the loss of life, those who are currently battling this illness, and when I when I think of those #doctors #nurses #healthcareproviders #xraytech #RTs #firefighters, #policeofficers #emt #paramedic #grocerystoreclerks and all those with #essentialjobfunctions


Specifically, for me as a Fire Captain and Paramedic it feels different right now. Responding to medical aids for shortness of breathe or an “unknown” call used to be common and routine and now these call types elicit different thoughts and feelings. Masking up, gowning up, attempting to have patients that are able to meet us outside, adhering to new protocols, having one person assess and touch the patient (unless critical) , it’s all different.

We still treat every patient who needs treatment but we are all very aware of the potential risk we are entering into on these calls. We have had people within my own department test positive for COVID-19. This isn’t like anything I’ve dealt with in the last 14 years of my career. My only fear is not for myself but it is for my family and the potential of bringing this virus home to them.


I was reminded recently of Psalm 91:1-16

but it was suggested to read it from first hand perspective so I would like to share it with you as it brings be comfort and peace in a tumultuous time...

I who live in the shelter of the most high will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

This I declare about you Lord. You alone are my refuge, my place of safety; you are my God, and I trust you

For you rescue me from every trap and protect me from deadly disease

You cover me with your feathers you shelter me with your wings your faithful promises are my armor in protection

I will not be afraid of the chairs of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day

I do not read the disease that stocks in darkness, nor disaster that strikes at mid day

Though 1000 fall at my side, though 10,000 are dying around me, these evils will not touch me

I make you Lord my refuge. I make you, the Most High my shelter

No evil will conquer me; no plague will come near my home.

For you will order your angels to protect me wherever I go.

They will hold me up with her hands so I won’t even hurt my foot on a stone

I will trample upon Lyons and cobras; I will crush fierce lions and serpents under my feet

My Lord says, ” I will rescue those who love me I will protect those who trust in my name”

When I calling you you will answer; you will be with me when I am in trouble. You will rescue and honor me.

You will reward me with a long life and give me salvation.

AMEN 🙏🏻🙌🏻

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